District 51, Toastmasters International

Membership Renewal Campaign

Your Toastmasters journey is a commitment to personal and professional growth. By renewing your membership, you're investing in yourself and your future.

Continue your membership with 6-month renewal (October 2024 to March 2025) to receive a travel organizer or 12-month renewal (October 2024 to September 2025) to present with a 10 litre hiking/sports bag.

This only applies to members who renew during the campaign period from August 01, 2024 until September 30, 2024.

Renew today and unlock a world of possibilities with Toastmasters.

#D51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #toastmastersinternational #toastmasters100years #earlyrenewal #membership






#D51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #toastmastersinternational #toastmasters100years #earlyrenewal #membership

New Club Charter Campaign

New Club Charter Campaign 🎉

Leadership and effective communication go hand in hand. A great leader communicates with purpose and inspires others to lead. What’s the value of knowledge if it’s not shared? 🌟

Charter a new Toastmasters Club today and receive these essential gifts to enhance your meetings: 1× club banner 🏳️, 1× gavel set 🔨, 1× timing cards ⏱️, and club ribbon starter pack 🎀.

#D51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #toastmastersinternational #toastmasters100years #newclubcharter


成立新分会特别活动 🎉


今天就成立一个新分会,您将获得以下赠品以提升您的会议体验:1面国际讲演会横幅 🏳️、1套惊堂槌组 🔨、1套计时卡 ⏱️,以及国际讲演会丝带包 🎀。

#D51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #toastmastersinternational #toastmasters100years #newclubcharter

Smedley Award
Smedley Award

It’s time to build your club membership, be recognized with the Smedley Award - the first membership building program for clubs by Toastmasters International.

Earn your club a 3-way reward. Clubs that recruit five new, dual, or reinstate members with a join date between August 01, 2024 and September 30, 2024 will qualify to receive a Smedley Award ribbon, named in honor of Ralph C. Smedley. This highly valued ribbon can be displayed on your club’s banner.

Qualifying clubs can also earn a special discount code for 10% off their next club order from TI shop. (The discount code expires six months from the date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.)

In addition, qualifying clubs will also receive special edition meeting roles tent cards from District 51 to help in building quality meetings.

Don't miss it and Happy Recruiting!

#D51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #toastmastersinternational #toastmasters100years #smedleyaward #recruitfive #newmember #dualmember #reinstatemember

Smedley Award
Smedley Award

是时候招募您的分会会员并获得Smedley Award - 国际讲演会第一个分会会员建设活动。

为您的分会获取三项奖励。在2024年8月1日至2024年9月30日期间,招收5名新会员、双重会籍或恢复会籍的会员加入的分会有资格获得以Ralph C. Smedley冠名的Smedley Award丝带,,并可以将其展示在分会的横幅上。




#D51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #toastmastersinternational #toastmasters100years #smedleyaward #recruitfive #newmember #dualmember #reinstatemember

Path Proficiency Award
Path Proficiency Award

All members who successfully complete their paths of the Pathways between Jul 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025 will be eligible to receive a Pathways Ribbon Pack at the 2025 District 51 Annual Conference.

This Path Proficiency award recognizes your dedication and commitment to personal and professional development through Toastmasters.

Seize this opportunity to shine! We look forward to celebrating your achievements at the annual conference.

#D51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #toastmastersinternational #toastmasters100years #pathproficiencyaward #pathwaysribbonpack





#D51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #toastmastersinternational #toastmasters100years #pathproficiencyaward #pathwaysribbonpack

DTM Award
DTM Award

Ready to elevate your Toastmasters journey? 🚀

We proudly announce our DTM Award Campaign for 2024-2025! 🌟

Earn the prestigious Distinguished Toastmasters (DTM) title (the highest education award in Toastmasters) between July 1, 2024, and March 31, 2025, and receive your well-deserved Toastmasters International DTM Medallion at the 2025 District 51 Annual Conference! 🎉

Let's come together to support and celebrate our members on their path to excellence. 📈

#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #toastmastersinternational #toastmasters100years #DTMaward


🚀 准备好将您的讲演会旅程提升到新的高度吗?


成为杰出会员 (DTM)(讲演会最高的教育奖励),并在2025年51区域的年度大会上获得国际讲演会的杰出会员奖章。😄


#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #toastmastersinternational #toastmasters100years #DTMaward

Early Achievers of the President's Distinguished Club Award
Early Achievers of the President's Distinguished Club Award

🚀 Announcing the Early Achievers of the President's Distinguished Club Campaign! 🌟

Achieve 9 or 10 DCP goals between July 1, 2024, and March 31, 2025, to earn a special recognition for your club at the 2025 District 51 Annual Conference.

Let’s aim high and set ambitious goals and celebrate our achievements together! 🥳

#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #toastmastersinternational #toastmasters100years #earlyachievers #DCPgoals #president’sdistinguished





#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #toastmastersinternational #toastmasters100years #earlyachievers #DCPgoals #president’sdistinguished

Coming Soon
Coming Soon

My Mentor & Buddy

"👫 Celebrating Toastmaster Mentor! 🌟 Join our campaign to shine a light on the incredible mentors or buddies who guide, inspire, and support us on our Toastmasters journey. Share your appreciation by submitting a photo or video showcasing your mentor/buddy and their impact! 📸🎥 Let's spread gratitude and appreciation for these unsung heroes! 🎤💬

#d51mymentorbuddy #d51toastmasters


"👫 祝贺所有国际演讲会的辅导员!🌟分享我们在国际演讲会一直默默支持和指导的辅导员或伙伴。通过提交您的辅导员/伙伴和您照片或视频来分享你的学习,成长的经验或感激!📸🎥 让我们一起感激和赞赏这些无名英雄!

#d51mymentorbuddy #d51toastmasters

Avid Speaker Award

Are you aiming for excellence? Let us help you keep track!

Give a speech, participate in Table Topics® or help others become a better speaker by becoming an evaluator and show us how much you have improved.

Bag the ultimate Best Prepared Speech speaker, Best Table Topics® Speaker or Best Evaluator award during our campaign period (15 September 2023 - 14 April 2024) to be recognised at the 2024 District 51 Annual Conference.

We are awaiting your victory. What are you waiting for?

#TMleaders #d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #publicspeaker #toastmasters




在我们的活动期间(2023年9月15日至2024年4月14日)获得最终的最佳备稿讲员、最佳即兴讲员 & 最佳评估员的会员,将在2024年51区域年度大会上获得表彰。


#TMleaders #d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #publicspeaker #toastmasters

Leading With Pathways

Fellow Toastmasters, check out these 5 exciting awards District 51 is offering to dedicated members. No matter where you are in your Pathways learning experience, you have the opportunity to win one of these awards. Let’s gear up our motivation to complete our Paths! Talk to your VPE, set goals to conquer the requirement for at least one of the awards and with determination, take action to grasp one of these accolades home. Which award will you aim for?

#D51toastmasters #NoviceAward #SteadfastnessAward #ProficientAward #TripleCrownAward #DTM #DTMAward #Toastmasters #Leadership #Communication #Growth #Excellence #Teamwork #Recognition #District51 #PublicSpeaking #ToastmastersInternational #Achievement #Success




#新人特别奖项 #效率讲员奖 #超强讲员讲 #三冠王 #卓越讲员 #D51toastmasters #NoviceAward #SteadfastnessAward #ProficientAward #TripleCrownAward #DTM #DTMAward #Toastmasters #Leadership #Communication #Growth #Excellence #Teamwork #Recognition #District51 #PublicSpeaking #ToastmastersInternational #Achievement #Success

Enthusiastic Club Award

District 51 Toastmasters is thrilled to launch the Enthusiastic Club Award 2023-2024! This prestigious recognition is all about celebrating clubs that showcase outstanding teamwork, growth, and dedication to the Toastmasters' mission. Join the challenge from 1st July 2023 to 31th March 2024, as clubs work together to achieve a set of inspiring criteria, including educational goals, member recruitment, thematic meetings, workshops and more.

To participate, gather your club members and embark on this exciting journey. Fill out the Google Form here:

Don't miss this chance to be recognized for your enthusiasm and excellence in the world of Toastmasters!

For more information and to submit your club's achievements,
please contact Belinda Wee, MS5, at +6019-699 6685

#D51toastmasters #EnthusiasticClubAward #Toastmasters #Leadership #Communication #Growth #Excellence #Teamwork #Recognition #District51 #PublicSpeaking #ToastmastersInternational #Achievement #Success


51区域很高兴推出 2023-2024年度积极活跃分会奖! 这享有声望的认可旨在表彰那些展现出杰出团队合作、成长和对讲演会使命奉献精神的分会。

参加 2023 年 7 月 1 日至 2024 年 3 月 31 日期间的挑战,分会共同努力实现一系列鼓舞人心的标准,包括教育目标、会员招募、主题会议、研讨会等。

在参与期间,请召集您的分会会员并踏上这段激动人心的旅程。 请在此处填写 Google 表单:


请联系 Belinda Wee,MS5,电话:+6019-699 6685

#国际讲演会领导者 #国际讲演会51区域 #51区域 #领导力 #沟通技巧 #公众演说 #分会执委成员培训 #D51toastmasters #EnthusiasticClubAward #Toastmasters #Leadership #Communication #Growth #Excellence #Teamwork #Recognition #District51 #PublicSpeaking #ToastmastersInternational #Achievement #Success

Club Lead Campaign

What's new and bold? Club Lead Campaign! It's time to grow your Toastmasters family and community. Bring the benefits and goodness of Toastmasters to everyone. This exclusive campaign is open to anyone who can provide quality leads on chartering new clubs. In return, you get a Toastmasters backpack and a personalised thermos!

#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #publicspeaker #toastmasters #myteamd51 #EnglishSpeaking



#d51toastmasters #District51 #myteamd51 #国际讲演会51区域 #51区域 #领导力 #沟通技巧 #公众演说 #mandarinspeaking #成立新分会特别活动

Renewal/Reinstate/New Member Campaign

Embrace the season of resolutions! Elevate your journey by renewing and/or reinstating your Toastmasters membership today. Your club and District 51 are here to support you in every step of your progress, rain or shine. Let your determination shine as we embark on this journey together.

Please complete and submit this form to indicate your umbrella preference, while stocks last.

Limited to first 1000 Renewals/Reinstate/New members only.

#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #D51membershiprenewal #publicspeaker #toastmasters #EnglishSpeaking #D51renewal


新年新展望!今天就续会或恢复会籍吧! 国际讲演会51区域及您所在的分会承诺将排除所有阻碍全力陪伴你一路成长。让我们一起踏上这段特别的旅程,一起见证你讲演路上的闪耀时刻!



#d51toastmasters #District51 #国际讲演会51区域 #51区域 #领导力 #沟通技巧 #公众演说 #51区域会籍预先更新优惠 #mandarinspeaking

Traiblaze Your Tomorrow, Unleashing Career Brilliance
Traiblaze Your Tomorrow, Unleashing Career Brilliance

You will never see this very special offer anywhere else!
ToastTalk KL is now RM50 for all tickets, whether it's group buy or single tickets. This is because we want to make this event accessible for everyone.
Anyone can be a Trailblazer as long as they take action TODAY and lock in your seat.

🔥Career not taking off?
🔥Bosses don’t see you?
🔥Want to have a promotion this year?

Look no further...
Learn more about :
✅ SUPER CHARGING your personal brand to ACCELERATE your speed to SUCCESS
✅ CRUCIAL LEADERSHIP skills to LEAD a new generation to MAXIMIZE their potential
✅ Cultivating a SOLUTIONS ORIENTED MINDSET to solve any problem
✅ Simple habits to ensure you MEET and EXCEED every KPI set
✅ CREATING and SUSTAINING an EFFICIENT team with HEALTHY cultures to achieve REAL RESULTS!
✅ Crafting feedback to IMPROVE, EMPOWER and MOTIVATE

6 interesting and insightful speakers are waiting to show you how to be the most valuable player in your company that your employers will do anything to retain you!!!

For only RM50 per pax
Limited seats to click here to register NOW!!! :

Jason Chan at 016-5212460,
Kuan Yen Hong at 014-3431371

Traiblaze Your Tomorrow, Unleashing Career Brilliance
Traiblaze Your Tomorrow, Unleashing Career Brilliance

🔥Career not taking off?
🔥Bosses don’t see you?
🔥Want to have a promotion this year?

Look no further...
Learn more about :
✅ SUPER CHARGING your personal brand to ACCELERATE your speed to SUCCESS
✅ CRUCIAL LEADERSHIP skills to LEAD a new generation to MAXIMIZE their potential
✅ Cultivating a SOLUTIONS ORIENTED MINDSET to solve any problem
✅ Simple habits to ensure you MEET and EXCEED every KPI set
✅ CREATING and SUSTAINING an EFFICIENT team with HEALTHY cultures to achieve REAL RESULTS!
✅ Crafting feedback to IMPROVE, EMPOWER and MOTIVATE

6 interesting and insightful speakers are waiting to show you how to be the most valuable player in your company that your employers will do anything to retain you!!!

For only RM88 per pax or RM150 for 3pax (limited to only 1 Toastmaster member per offer)
Limited seats to click here to register NOW!!! :

Jason Chan at 016-5212460,
Kuan Yen Hong at 014-3431371

Early Achiever - President’s Distinguished Club

Let's accelerate the progress of our members in their communication and leadership journey.

District 51 is rewarding a trophy to the first 30 clubs that achieve the President’s Distinguished club status! Hurry, step up and encourage your club members to complete their educational goals. Share this professional journey.

#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #publicspeaker #toastmasters #myteamd51 #EnglishSpeaking

提早达标 - 会长级杰出分会


首30个 提前获得会长级杰出分会荣誉的分会将获得51区域定制的成就奖杯。现在就鼓励你的分会会员一起冲刺完成他们的教育目标,同时享受旅程中的成长吧!

#国际讲演会领导者 #国际讲演会51区域 #51区域 #领导力 #沟通技巧 #公众演说 #d51toastmasters #District51

My Achievement

🌐🔠Your story, our inspiration! Share your Toastmasters journey, celebrate your achievements, and inspire others to be proud of their progress. 🏆 🎉

#d51achievement #d51toastmasters


🌐🔠 你的故事,我们的启发!分享你的国际演讲会之旅,庆祝您的成就,激励他人为自己的进步感到自豪。

#d51achievement #d51toastmasters

Unlocking Pathways Level 4 & Level 5
Unlocking Pathways Level 4 & Level 5

BONUS: Discussion on HPL and DTM Project
Ready to elevate your Toastmasters journey to unprecedented heights? Join us for a dynamic workshop that not only unlocks secrets of Pathways Levels 4 and 5 but also delves into the realms of High-Performance Leadership (HPL) and prestigious Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) projects!

🔑 Key Workshop Highlights: Expert Guidance | Interactive Sessions | Exclusive Resources
Workshop details:
📅 Date: February 4, 2024
🕒 Time: 9.00am – 1.00pm (Login starts at 9.00am, event starts at 9.30am)
📍 Platform: Zoom

🎓 Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights from Alen Yeoh! Secure your spot now:

🚀 Empower Your Path to Success by Unlocking Pathways HPL and DTM!

#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #D51membershiprenewal #publicspeaker #toastmasters #EnglishSpeaking

Master the Art of AI Content Marketing
Master the Art of AI Content Marketing

🌐 Ready to Revolutionize Your Content Game? Alen Yeoh, expert in Strategic Digital Marketing, will guide you through ChatGPT from Basic to Advanced.
📅 Date: 3 February 2023 (Saturday)
🕒 Time: 10am - 11am

Workshop Outline:
ChatGPT Basic to Advanced:
-Explore basic features and functionalities
-Dive into advanced capabilities and customization options
-Use ChatGPT in different industries

AI in Copywriting:
-Trends and Predictions
-Adaptation as AI technology

🎓 Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights from Alen Yeoh! Secure your spot now:

Contact person:
Zhao Tong 0179326541

Program Quality Series
Program Quality Series

Embark on a journey of growth and excellence with six (6) engaging workshops. From officiating contests, planning special-themed club meetings, mastering roles like General Evaluator and Toastmaster of the Evening, to becoming a Pathways Mentor and elevating your Toastmasters Pathways levels.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your leadership and communication skills. Unlock your potential and achieve greater heights with us!

Registration link:

Registration for each event will be out in a schedule.
Meanwhile, you may contact the respective organizing chair for more information. Stay tuned!

#D51Toastmasters #District51 #Leadership #Communication #PublicSpeaking #Toastmasters

Tongue-twister Master

🔠 Calling Tongue-twister masters! Challenge your tongues with our mind-bending tongue twisters. Can you conquer the three (3) levels? Challenge your friends (both Toastmasters and non-Toastmasters). Let the twisting adventures begin! 🗣️🌀

#d51tonguetwister #d51toastmasters

Video Link

Sample Video (after Duet Effect)

Tongue-twister Master

🔠 各位绕口令大师! 挑战你的口才。你能征服这 3 个级别吗?挑战你的朋友(包括非国国际讲演会员)。让你的冒险开始吧 🗣️🌀

#d51tonguetwister #d51toastmasters



Achieve Your Membership Goals Early

Low on members? Outsourcing role players? Only one project speaker? It's time to grow your Toastmasters family and community. Bring the benefits and goodness of Toastmasters to everyone. Make an effort today to register eight (8) new members into your club and be rewarded with either a gavel set or three (2) club ribbon packs. The choice is yours! Get your Toastmasters rewards today!

#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #publicspeaker #toastmasters #myteamd51 #EnglishSpeaking


会员不足? 太多友会职务员? 只有一位项目演讲者? 是时候拓展您的 Toastmasters 家人和社区了。 将 Toastmasters 的好处和美好带给每个人。 今天就努力注册八 (8) 名新会员加入您的分会,并获得一套惊堂锤或两 (2) 个分会丝带包作为奖励。 这是你的选择! 立即获取 Toastmasters 奖励!

#d51toastmasters #District51 #myteamd51 #国际讲演会51区域 #51区域 #领导力 #沟通技巧 #公众演说 #mandarinspeaking

New Club Charter Campaign

A great leader leads by example; a great communicator speaks to be heard. A great leader who communicates to inspire creates more leaders. What is knowledge if not shared?

Charter a new Toastmasters Club today and be entitled to these awe-inspiring gifts that complement quality club meetings.

Toastmasters Clubs chartered this term shall receive 1x timing device, 1x gavel set & 1x new club banner.

For more information, please contact the Club Extension Team,
Albert Khor(khoryeeshin@gmail.com) for English clubs &
Gan Shin Wei(shinwei_1996@hotmail.com) for Mandarin Clubs.

#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #publicspeaker #toastmasters #myteamd51 #EnglishSpeaking #NewClubCharterCampaign





Gan Shin Wei(中文分会) (shinwei_1996@hotmail.com)
Albert Khor(英文分会) (khoryeeshin@gmail.com)

#d51toastmasters #District51 #myteamd51 #国际讲演会51区域 #51区域 #领导力 #沟通技巧 #公众演说 #mandarinspeaking #成立新分会特别活动

Introduction To District Elections Campaign Communications
Introduction To District Elections Campaign Communications

Introduction to District Elections Campaign Communications
Saturday, 16 December 2023, 9:00pm-10:00pm, Virtual Meeting
Every term, members have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills by serving as District Officers.
What is Toastmasters International's protocol for district elections campaign communications?
Join District Leadership Committee Chair and Past District Director PY Yoon, DTM for an introduction to this elusive subject.

2023年12月16日 晚间9点 让你透过线上工作坊更加了解区域选举。
每一位会员在新的一届都有机会担任区域领导并发展自身的领导技能。然而你是否真的了解了国际演讲会 (Toastmasters International) 的区域竞选协议是什么呢?
和区域领导委员会主席兼前区域总监 PY Yoon(DTM)一起了解这个精彩的议题。


#TMleaders #d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #publicspeaker #toastmasters #myteamd51 #国际讲演会领导者 #国际讲演会51区域 #51区域 #领导力 #沟通技巧 #公众演说

Become A Super Host

📆 Join us on December 16, 2023, as we delve into the world of Toastmaster of the Evening (TME) and unlock the secrets to an exceptional Toastmasters experience!

🎙️ Engage with Audiences:
🔹 Discover the power of captivating storytelling.
🔹 Unearth techniques to build rapport with your fellow Toastmasters.
🔹 Learn how to leave a lasting impact with your words and presence.

🎤 Tips to Tee-Up the Speakers:
🔹 Craft the perfect introduction for each speaker.
🔹 Set the stage for an engaging and supportive atmosphere.
🔹 Elevate the speakers' confidence and audience connection.

🏆 What it Takes to be a Competent TME:
🔹 Understand the essential roles and responsibilities.
🔹 Hone your time management skills for seamless event flow.
🔹 Embrace adaptability and problem-solving in a dynamic environment.

🌠 Whether you're a seasoned Toastmaster or a budding leader, this workshop will equip you with the skills and knowledge to shine as a Toastmaster of the Evening! Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your Toastmasters journey.

📍 Save the date: 16th December 2023
🕖 Time: 9.00am – 1.00pm (Registration starts at 9.00am, Event starts at 9.15am)
🏢 Location: Menara AIA, Kuala Lumpur

🗣 Speaker:
🌟 Jason Thong, MS5, PM5

🚨 Limited to the first 50 registrations.

Mark your calendars and be ready to embark on a journey towards excellence in public speaking and leadership. See you there! 🎉🗣️

#TMEWorkshop #Toastmasters #PublicSpeaking #LeadershipDevelopment

Club Officer Training 2
Club Officer Training 2

🌟 Get ready for Club Officer Training 2! 🌟

Calling all Club Officers for an exciting educational opportunity! Join us as we come together to network, share ideas, and get inspired. It's your chance to level up your skills as communicators and leaders while learning how to serve your clubs better. Don't miss out on this incredible experience!

#TMleaders #d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #publicspeaker #toastmasters #myteamd51 #d51cot2


🌟 准备参加执委培训 2!🌟


#国际讲演会领导者 #国际讲演会51区域 #51区域 #领导力 #沟通技巧 #公众演说 #分会执委成员培训

Chartering An In-House Toastmasters Club
Chartering An In-House Toastmasters Club

Wondering how you could empower your employees? Looking for a professional development program that can be directly applied within your company? Join us in an exclusive workshop where you will discover the benefits of an in-house Toastmasters club.

📆 Date: 24 November 2023 (Friday)
🕔Time : 5pm to 6pm!

🚀 Unlock the potential of your team with insights from Albert Khor, DTM. Join our exclusive Zoom workshop and explore the benefits of an in-house Toastmasters club.

📧 For more information, contact Albert Khor, DTM at khoryeeshin@gmail.com.

#ProfessionalDevelopment #Toastmasters #Workshop

Conducting Quality Speech Contests + Speech Contest Judges Training (Central)
Conducting Quality Speech Contests + Speech Contest Judges Training (Central)

Contest season is in session! Finally, after an era of online meetings and contests, we are moving back to physical contests.

Having doubts and questions on how to organize a smooth, high quality speech contest? Being asked to be a Chief Judge or Judge for an upcoming contest but not knowing what to do?

Then join us for a 2-in-1 workshop presented by District 51 Contest Team! District 51 Contest Team proudly brings you Conducting Quality Speech Contests + Speech Contest Judges Training. Whether you're a role player, Judge, Chief Judge, VPE, or aspiring contestant, this workshop is for you!

📆 Date: 2nd December 2023 (Saturday)
🕐 Time: 12.30pm - 6pm (Registration at 12.30pm, the event starts at 1pm)
📍 Venue: UPNM (Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia)

🗣️ Speaker:
🌟 Yeam Kah Mun, EC4

🚨 Limited to the first 50 registrations.

Don't miss this golden opportunity to enhance your skills and network. Remember, knowledge is an everlasting treasure! 💫

#SpeechContestWorkshop #Toastmasters #NetworkingOpportunity

Club Growth Series
Club Growth Series

Do you know the difference between a club mentor , coach and sponsor ?

Join these workshops in which you can learn the characteristic of a successful club mentor, sponsor and coach!

The sessions will be hands-on and filled with many learnings, case studies and loads of fun!

To register, click on the link below:

For more information please contact:
Dinesh Jayabalan (dtmdineshj@gmail.com)

#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #publicspeaker #toastmasters #myteamd51 #EnglishSpeaking



参加这些研讨会,你可以学习成功的分会导师赞助人教练 ?



Dinesh Jayabalan (dtmdineshj@gmail.com)

#d51toastmasters #District51 #myteamd51 #国际讲演会51区域 #51区域 #领导力 #沟通技巧 #公众演说 #mandarinspeaking

Mastering The Role Of A General Evaluator
Mastering The Role Of A General Evaluator

Want to master your skill as a General Evaluator? Now you can help clubs conduct inspiring Toastmasters meetings.

Learning Outcome:

  1. Able to provide an effective GE report and improve quality of meetings
  2. Enhance listening, analytical and leadership skills as a General Evaluator.

How this workshop effectively elevates your skill:

  1. Real life case study
  2. Hands-on practice
  3. Facilitates by an experienced General Evaluator
  4. Small breakout group ratio 1:4-5

❤️ Date: 11 Nov 2023
❤️ Time: 1pm-5pm
❤️ Venue: Zoom

🌼 Ching Lee Hwa, DTM
🌼 Program Quality Director

Maximise your value when visiting clubs by providing quality feedback and at the same time inspire others. 💪💪💪

Building a better quality community club starts from you and me.

For more information, please contact: Sophie Tan: (+60)19-5714593
This event is supported by District 51 Division N.

#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #publicspeaker #toastmasters #myteamd51 #EnglishSpeaking

Pathways Mentor Program Workshop
Pathways Mentor Program Workshop

Interested in becoming a mentor to mentor members but need help figuring out where to start? Interested in building a healthy mentor system in your club?

We heard your feedback!
We have some exciting news to share with you!

UTAR Toastmasters Club and Wellesley Mandarin Toastmasters Club are organizing the PATHWAYS MENTOR PROGRAM WORKSHOP.

In this workshop, you can benefit from:

  • In-depth sharing of unlocking Level 1, Level 2, and Pathway Mentor Program in Pathways.
  • Understanding the importance of a healthy mentor system.
  • Interactive panel Session and learn from the Best of the Best on their experience sharing.

This interactive online workshop will guide you on building the skills needed to provide a positive mentoring experience for your protégé.

It is our honor and privilege to have Nithianandan Kathamuthu, DTM, Grace Chan, DTM, Wendy Ong, VC5, PM5, and Patricia Yap, DTM, as the panelists for this workshop. The session moderator is Carrol Teong, SR3.

For more information, please contact: Dr. Lim Chong Hooi: (+60)16-4276979
This event is supported by District 51 Division H.

#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #publicspeaker #toastmasters #myteamd51 #EnglishSpeaking

Pathways 导师计划研讨会
PATHWAYS 导师计划研讨会



UTAR 国际讲演会和威省华语国际讲演会正在筹备 PATHWAYS 导师计划研讨会


  • 深入解析 等级1、等级2与Pathways 导师计划。
  • 知晓健康导师系统的重要性。
  • 含互动环节让你直接向优秀的导师群学习他们的经验。


我们很荣幸邀请 陈慧琪, DTM 张允祯,EH5, DL5 和 黄聪业, LD5 作为本次研讨会的导师并由 黄雪倪 PI5, PM2 作为主持人。

欲知详情,请联系: 林忠辉博士 , PM5 -(+60)16-4276979

#国际讲演会领导者 #国际讲演会51区域 #51区域 #领导力 #沟通技巧 #公众演说 #d51toastmasters #District51

Conducting Quality Speech Contests + Speech Contest Judges Training (Northern)
Conducting Quality Speech Contests + Speech Contest Judges Training (Northern)

Our contest season is in session! Finally, after an era of online meetings and contests, we are moving back to physical contests.

Having some doubts and questions on how to organize a smooth, high quality speech contest? Just got asked to be a Chief Judge or Judge for an upcoming contest but don't know what to do?

Then, join us for a 2-in-1 workshop presented by District 51 Contest Team! District 51 Contest Team proudly brings you our Quality Speech Contest Workshop and Speech Contest Judge Workshop. Whether you're a role player, Judge, Chief Judge, VPE, or aspiring contestant, this workshop is for you!

📆 Date: 21st October 2023 (Saturday)
🕐 Time: 12.30pm - 6pm (Registration at 12.30pm, Event starts at 1pm)
📍 Venue: Penang Island (Details coming soon)

🗣 Speaker:
🌟 Yoon Peng Yew, DTM
👉 Past District Director - experienced and knowledgeable in contest matters

🚨 Limited to the first 50 registrations.

Don't miss this golden opportunity to enhance your skills and network. Remember, knowledge is an everlasting treasure! 💫

#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #publicspeaker #toastmasters #myteamd51 #EnglishSpeaking #SpeechContestWorkshop #Toastmasters #NetworkingOpportunity

My Club Storybook

🎤 Calling all D51 Toastmasters for “My Club Storybook Campaign” to promote your club! 🌟 Record a maximum of 5 minutes of any wonderful stories of your club to win a chance for a club banner.

Record a maximum of 5 minutes of any wonderful stories of your club to win a chance for a club banner.

#d51clubstory #d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #publicspeaker #toastmasters

My Club Storybook

🎤 召集所有 D51区域演讲会的会员们参加“我的分会故事活动”来宣传您的分会!

🌟录制最多 5 分钟的俱乐部精彩故事,即可赢得获得俱乐部横幅的机会。

#d51clubstory #d51toastmasters #District51 #国际讲演会51区域 #51区域 #领导力 #沟通技巧 #公众演说

Club Officer Training 1
Club Officer Training 1

Dear Club Officers,

Congratulations on taking up a club leadership role. Let us help everyone of you have a productive and fruitful leadership journey. Join us for Club Officer Training 1 for term 2023-2024. This is an excellent opportunity for you to gain a deeper understanding of your roles, exchange best practices, and learn from experienced Toastmasters.

For further details regarding Club Officer Training 1, we kindly request you to reach out to the respective Organizing Chair or your respective Area Director.

We wish you all the best in your leadership journey and we look forward to witnessing growth and success in your club under your guidance.

#TMleaders #d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #publicspeaker #toastmasters #myteamd51 #d51cot1








#国际讲演会领导者 #国际讲演会51区域 #51区域 #领导力 #沟通技巧 #公众演说 #分会执委成员培训

Designing with Finesse
Designing with Finesse

Are you ready to elevate your design skills and create stunning visuals that captivate your audience? 🚀 Whether you're a seasoned designer or just a beginner, this workshop is tailored to help you master creativity within the framework of Toastmasters' guidelines.

🗓 Date: 19 August 2023, Saturday
⏰ Time: 10am - 11am
🎤 Speaker: Chester Liam, PM2

What to expect:
🖌 Learn Canva tips & tricks to design professional and eye-catching poster
🎨 Discover ways to integrate creativity while adhering to Toastmasters' guidelines
📊 Understand the psychology of color and visual elements for impactful presentations

Hurry and secure your spot now! Limited seats available.

Register at https://bit.ly/3Y5z6cN and unleash your artistic flair with us!

#TMleaders #d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #publicspeaker #toastmasters #myteamd51 #posterdesign #vppr

Time To Assign Your Club's Proxies!
Time To Assign Your Club's Proxies!

Every year, the Annual Business Meeting (ABM) of Toastmasters International takes place during the International Convention. This meeting serves the purpose of electing Board Members and conducting other important business that significantly influences the future of Toastmasters.

The 2023 Annual Business Meeting is scheduled to take place on Friday, August 18th, at 7 p.m. (Malaysia Time). To ensure the smooth functioning of the ABM, it is the responsibility of the Club President or Club Secretary to assign the club's proxy to the designated proxyholder before the specific deadline.

Therefore, we kindly request all Club Presidents or Club Secretaries to refer to the emails sent by Toastmasters International (proxyinfo@toastmasters.org) for detailed instructions on how to assign your club's proxy. In the event that you are unable to attend the ABM, you have the option to assign the District Director as your club's proxy. Please note that the deadline for proxy assignment is August 11, 2023.

We appreciate your attention to this matter and encourage your active participation in shaping the future of Toastmasters.


每年,国际讲演会(Toastmasters International)的年度商务会议(ABM)都在国际大会期间举行。这次会议的目的是选举董事会成员并进行其他重要业务,这些业务对讲演会的未来产生重大影响。




Super Early Renewal Campaign

Continue your communication and leadership journey with Toastmasters!

Keep the momentum going by renewing your Toastmasters membership today to enjoy a saving of USD15 and get rewarded with a District 51 customized car sunshade!

Limited to the first 1,000 renewals only. Stay cool with your commitment!

#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #D51membershiprenewal #publicspeaker #toastmasters #myteamd51 #EnglishSpeaking

Super Early Renewal Campaign

Continue your communication and leadership journey with Toastmasters!

Keep the momentum going by renewing your Toastmasters membership today to enjoy a saving of USD15 and get rewarded with a District 51 customized car sunshade!

Limited to the first 1,000 renewals only. Stay cool with your commitment!

#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #D51membershiprenewal #publicspeaker #toastmasters #myteamd51 #EnglishSpeaking



今天就以现省美金15元的优惠更新您的会籍还可以同时额外获得51区域客制化的汽车遮阳板哦 !



#d51toastmasters #District51 #myteamd51 #国际讲演会51区域 #51区域 #领导力 #沟通技巧 #公众演说 #51区域会籍预先更新优惠 #mandarinspeaking


🎤 Calling all D51 Toastmasters!

🌟 Record a 20 to 30-second Facebook Post entitled "I am a Toastmaster". Share your inspiring and transformational journey to win a golf umbrella!

See the sample video:

Facebook Effect Keyword : iamatoastmaster

#d51iamatoastmaster #d51toastmasters


🎤 召集所有 D51区域演讲会的会员们!

🌟 录制一段 20 到 30 秒的 Facebook 帖子(Post),标题为“我是讲演会”。



Facebook 特效搜索关键字

#d51iamatoastmaster #d51toastmasters

Early Renewal Campaign

District 51 Toastmasters, guess what time it is? It is time to renew your membership! Are you committed to your communication and leadership goals.

The early bird catches the worm. Why wait? Renew your membership now at only USD 60! And thrive in your journey to excellence with Toastmasters International.

#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #D51membershiprenewal #publicspeaker #toastmasters #myteamd51 #EnglishSpeaking


亲爱的 51 区域讲演会会员们,猜猜现在是什么时间?是时候续费了!你是否致力于实现自己的沟通和领导力目标呢?


#d51toastmasters #District51 #myteamd51 #国际讲演会51区域 #51区域 #领导力 #沟通技巧 #公众演说 #51区域会籍预先更新优惠 #mandarinspeaking

Smedly Award
Smedly Award

Is your club ready to rise to the challenge and earn the prestigious Smedley Award?

It's time to ignite the fire within and strengthen your club by welcoming five remarkable members. They can be either new members, dual members, or reinstated members.

Imagine the Smedley Award ribbon elegantly displayed with your club banner, symbolizing your passion for brilliance and commitment to excellence.

Time is of the essence, and every moment counts as you strive to accomplish this remarkable achievement.

Accomplish this goal between August 1 and September 30 to be rewarded. As an extra incentive, your club will earn a valuable discount code for purchases from Toastmasters International.

Let's honor the remarkable legacy of Ralph C. Smedley, the visionary founder of Toastmasters. By sharing the transformative power of Toastmasters, we can empower others, unlock their potential, and carry forward Smedley's legacy with passion and pride.

How to participate?
Your club just needs to add five (5) new, dual, or reinstated members with a join date between 1 August and 30 September 2023.

The winning clubs will be revealed online within a few weeks of the submission deadline.

#d51toastmasters #District51 #leadership #communication #publicspeaking #D51membershiprenewal #publicspeaker #toastmasters #myteamd51 #EnglishSpeaking






在2023年8月1日至9月30日期间完成这个目标,就能获得奖励。您的分会在从 国际讲演会购买商品时将获得宝贵的折扣代码。

让我们纪念讲演会的远见创始人Ralph C. Smedley先生的非凡遗产。通过分享讲演会的改变力量,我们可以赋予他人力量,开发他们的潜能,并带着激情和自豪传承斯梅德利先生的遗产。



#d51toastmasters #District51 #myteamd51 #国际讲演会51区域 #51区域 #领导力 #沟通技巧 #公众演说 #51区域会籍预先更新优惠 #mandarinspeaking